COVID Vaccine Update
Please do not contact the practice to ask for a COVID-19 vaccination. You will be contacted when you are eligible.
We have been asked by NHS England to start delivering the COVID-19 mass vaccination programme from 15 December. This will be done by working together with other local GP Practices (called a Primary Care Network) to provide the vaccines.
To make sure everyone gets the vaccine in a safe and controlled way, a prioritisation list has been established so the vaccine can be given to those who need it first.
We will contact you when you are eligible to receive the vaccine and provide you with information about location and date, so please don’t contact the practice to ask for a vaccine before then.
We are working hard to plan the delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations, while continuing to deliver the largest ever flu vaccine campaign and support our patients with routine and urgent health requests. On that basis, we are unable to answer additional questions about the COVID vaccine.
However, to help answer your likely questions, we have tried to summarise the key information you need to know about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination campaign, along with sharing details of the way patient groups will be prioritised:
• The vaccine will be given in order of priority to those at highest risk first.
• We will be in contact with you with information about where and when you will need to receive the vaccine.
• Please act on your invite when it comes, and make sure you attend your appointments when you arrange them.
• Please continue to follow all social distancing and hand hygiene guidance, which will still save lives.
Who can have the COVID Vaccine?
Anyone over the age of 18 years old can now have the COVID vaccine. Please contact the Practice booking team on 0161 226 0606 if you’d like to book your vaccine. You can also book your COVID Vccine by calling 119 or visiting the following site
Mask Policy
From the 19th of July nothing will change at the surgery. Patients will still need to wear a face covering, socially distance and use hand sanitiser and staff will continue to wear PPE. We do understand that this can be quite frustrating but we know that when people come to us they are vulnerable and sick so we feel it would be wrong to not take these small precautions that can protect people.