Get Your Free Flu vaccine
Keep safe this winter
Please contact the surgery on : 0161 2260606
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The NHS recommends flu vaccination for several groups:
- Everyone aged 65 years and over
- Individuals under 65 with certain medical conditions, including children and babies over 6 months of age
- All pregnant women
- All children aged 2 and 3 years (provided they were aged 2 or 3 on 31 August 2024)
- All primary school children
- Some secondary school children (Years 7 to 11)
- Care home residents
- Carers
- Those living with people who are immunocompromised
- Frontline health and social care workers
People with a learning disability are able to have a flu jab to protect them through the winter.
Due to the coronavirus it is even more important that people get the jab to reduce the risk of getting both illnesses at once. Getting the flu jab is also one of the best things people can do to help protect themselves and carers.
If someone cannot cope with having a flu jab they or supporters can speak to a GP/Nurse as they may be able to offer the nasal spray as a reasonable adjustment (GOV.UK 2018).