From Monday 29th January 2024 all GP appointments & sexual health screening appointments will be given out via the NHS app. Please ensure you are prepared for this by downloading the NHS app as soon as possible. If you have any issues in accessing the NHS app, please pop into the Practice between 11am and 6pm Mon-Fri, with photo ID, where our digital facilitator will be able to assist you.
The only people who will be able to call the Practice to book a GP appointment are the elderly & vulnerable, who we know struggle to get through to us in the morning due to the sheer volume of calls we receive.
If you call on the 29th January for a GP appointment you will be directed to the NHS app to book your own appointment.
The NHS app will show you which GP is available and there will be a variety of times available for you to choose from.
On the day face to face appointments are given out at 8am Mon-Fri and routine appointments are released at 12pm Mon-Fri for 6 days in advance via the app. We also have evening and weekend appointments provided by our Primary Care Network, so please call us anytime if you would like us to book you one of these appointments.
We have a trained care co-ordination team who will be monitoring the NHS app appointments as not all issues need to be seen by a GP. Where appropriate you may be care navigated to the pharmacy, our mental health worker, our physio, our pharmacy team, A&E or any other providers who will be better suited to providing the most appropriate help.
Not only can you book appointments via the NHS app, you can also order your repeat medication & see your full medical history. Using the NHS app will empower you to take control of your medical journey and revolutionise your appointment booking experience.

Kind Regards
The Arch Medical Practice